Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses a powerful laser or ‘Intense Pulsed Light’ (IPL) to remove unwanted hair.

The laser used in the procedure is attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle, which means the darker the hair, the better it draws the energy of the laser beam to it, giving greater hair reduction.

We only use effective technologies, and to ensure safe, effective results, we always test your suitability for any of our laser treatments.

Who is an Ideal Candidates?

Treatment is safe on all skin types and colours, so suitable for anyone looking for long term, silky-smooth results. As the laser is attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle, the only consideration is whether your unwanted hair has enough pigment to be treated.

Who is Not a Good Candidate?

Lasers target pigmentو so as long as your hair is not red, white or grey then you are likely to be a suitable candidate for laser hair removal. Also we do not treat who is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Risks and Safety

For most people the only side-effect reported is a redness. For others there may be a little sensitivity in the area that has been treated, Aloe Vera gel can usually be applied to calm this down. You may see some blisters or burn on your skin after treatment.

After the laser treatment avoid heat stimulation such as hot baths or showers, saunas, and steam. Avoid cardiovascular exercise and swimming as the chemicals in the water may cause irritation.

Laser Hair Removal FAQ

Does Laser Hair Removal hurt?
For some people there is a sensation of mild prickling but for others the experience is completely pain-free. (more than 90% of our customers reported a pain free experience)
How should I prepare before a Laser Hair Removal treatment?
Avoid sun exposure which makes laser hair removal less effective and cause complications. Avoid any other hair removal methods such as waxing, threading or hair removal creams for 6 weeks before the treatment. We will discuss any medications in detail at your consultation.

You’ll need to shave the area of skin the day before your appointment.

How often will I need Laser Hair Removal treatment?
Multiple treatments are needed (between 6-8) because only hair in the active growth phase. Effective results require treatments spread evenly. We recommend once every 4 weeks to remove facial hair and every 6-8 weeks to remove body hair.
How long is the Laser Hair Removal procedure for each session?
Depends on the size of area treated – underarms or Bikini can take as little as 15 minutes and full body can take one and a half hours.
Is Laser Hair Removal safe?
Absolutely. The laser targets only the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. You may experience some redness, but this should subside within 24 hours.