Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

What is Chemical Peel?

Chemical Peel are liquids brushed on to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.

The aim of this cosmetic procedure is to improve the appearance of the facial skin – for example, by reducing age spots and evening out skin tone.

Who is an Ideal Candidates?

Chemical Peel can be used to treat a whole range of skin complaints, including wrinkles, fine lines, acne and acne scarring, age spots, enlarged pores, dark areas and sun-damaged skin. This treatment is ideal if you are looking to quite literally give your skin a fresh start.

Who is Not a Good Candidate?

Chemical Peel are not very effective for the one who has very deep acne scarring. If you had waxing, electrolysis, and laser hair removal less than one week before the peel avoid doing it and please wait more. Also we do not treat who is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Risks and Safety

As it heals, your skin would also be more sensitive to the sun, so you need to use sunscreen for at least a month after treatment.

The practitioner carrying out the procedure should advise how you can reduce your risk of side effects and complications.

Possible risks include:

  • darkening or lightening of the skin this can be permanent
  • cold sores returning if you’ve had these before
  • scarring or an infection – although this is rare

Chemical Peel FAQ

What should I expect during treatment?
Skin is prepped using a medical degreaser to ensure the treated area is free of any oils left on the skin. The chemical agent is then applied and typically remains on the skin for 3 to 5 minutes. Most patients feel a mild stinging which is temporary and usually subsides after a few minutes. Some peels are designed to self neutralize and may remain on your skin for 2-4 hours.
How long do Chemical Peel take?
Most peels can be performed within a few minutes, depending on size of the area being treated.
How long do the results last?
With good sun protection, results can last months, even years. This is dependent upon the depth of the peel. The deeper peels generally provide a long-lasting effect.
How many peels will I need?
Generally Chemical Peel are done once every 2-3 weeks, until the desired results are achieved. Maintenance peels can then be performed once a month.
Is a chemical peel painful?
No. There is a mild degree of “tingling” or a slightly itchy sensation while the glycolic acid is in contact with the skin.
Which areas of Skin can be Treated with a Chemical Peel?
Most commonly the face is treated with a chemical peel.
Can I go out into the sun after having a Chemical Peel?
You may go outside, but sunscreen must be worn for at least a few days after the peel as your skin will likely be a little more sensitive to sun exposure.